Next week I leave for Paris where I will show my Short History of Photography work at galerie SPREE. After to Lodz, the second largest city in Poland where I will show my China Story pictures. These are a series I made in 2006 and 2007 when I was a guest at the Pingyao Festival in Shanxi Province China. The International Festival of Photography in Lodz is the biggest event of this kind in Poland. It is organized by Foundation of Visual Education and Lodz Art Center, located in a complex of 19th century factories. Every year in May over 50 exhibitions are presented. There will be shows of contemporary Chinese photography plus a 'Western Eye on the East' which includes my work and among others, shows from friends Nadav Kander (London) and Wolfgang Zurbon (Cologne). After to Rome where I will catch FotoGrafia International. Here is a picture I made in Shanghai in 2006.