Saturday, August 29, 2015

Paul Graham talks about his show The Whiteness of the Whale


Currently showing at San Francisco's Pier 24 Photography is Paul Graham's exhibition The Whiteness of the Whale. The museum has produced a 15 minute video with Paul talking about the show. It is well worth a look. You can go to it HERE.

The Pier 24 exhibition brings together three bodies of work made by Paul Graham in the United States between 1998 and 2011, American Night (1998–2002), a shimmer of possibility (2004–06), and The Present (2009–11). The Whiteness of the Whale features nearly sixty works, ranging from singular large-scale photographs to sequences of over twenty images. This exhibition marks Pier 24 Photography’s first single-artist presentation and the only time a shimmer of possibility has been presented in its entirety. Graham’s three bodies of work from this period operate as an informal trilogy, linked not only by common subject matter, but also by underlying issues such as racial and social inequality, the texture of everyday life, and the nature of sight, perception, and photography itself.
The Whiteness of the Whale is on view from August 3, 2015 - February 29, 2016.

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