Friday, May 10, 2013

Mark Power - amazing print offer!

To mark the 21st anniversary of the BA in Photography at the University of Brighton, a book will be published with work from some of the school's successful alumni.

The University recently held an online auction to raise funds for the book, now in an effort to reach the funding target Mark Power is very generously offering five stunning limited edition images from his 1992 The Shipping Forecast series.

Mark says this about the series and the offer: I began 'The Shipping Forecast' in 1992, also 21 years ago. That time was important to me on two levels: the start of a teaching job I'm still enthusiastically doing, and the beginning of the project that has probably defined my career.

Recently I've been re-editing 'Forecast' because, with the benefit of hindsight, there are pictures I'd put into the book now that I didn't include in the original. I've chosen five of these and made an edition of ten of each, with the forecast for that place and date printed underneath. On the back of each print I've handwritten a little 'story' which explains something about when, where and occasionally how the picture was made.

Each is a beautiful, handmade object sold on a strictly first-come, first-served basis. The price has been kept so low in the hope that we can quickly raise the extra £5,000 we need to make the book.

Proceeds from sales of the book will be kept to one side to fund a prize for next years Brighton students. Please support us to make the book happen. Thank you.

And wait for it, the prints are offered for just £100 plus postage. Each is a beautiful, handmade object sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.

You can go to Mark Power's site HERE to see the prints in greater detail and there is a PayPal link for easy purchase.

I've just looked at the site again.... and a number have already been sold. Don't wait!

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