Saturday, September 15, 2012

Harvey's Point at Pah Homestead, TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre

Paul Graham - Donegal, July 2012
My show, Harvey's Point, opens this coming Monday night, 6pm at the Pah Homestead, TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre here in Auckland.

You may well ask what is Harvey's Point. For me this is a question I continually ask. Here is a little about the exhibition.

'The title of this exhibition occurred to me after I recently received an image sent by Paul Graham, New York based British camera artist. I had been with Paul in New York only some days previously, and as he was now in Ireland and I back in Auckland ideas of place, time and universality came to mind.
Harvey’s Point has opened up for me questions regarding the nature of perception, and temporality, how we evaluate the underlying meaning of images that confront us, and those we attempt to read. This is the purpose of this show. I present some images that ostensibly oppose one another and others that appear banally neutral. I’m asking you - and myself - exactly what is Harvey’s point?' 

Harvey Benge - Auckland, December 2007
TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre, The Pah Homestead, 72 Hillsborough Rd, Hillsborough, Auckland

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