Friday, March 5, 2010

Collier Schorr's new book Blumen arrived today....

Amazon has this to say about it....

The American photographer Collier Schorr has been working in Southern Germany for the past 13 years, compiling Forest and Fields, a fictional documentary portrait of a small town inhabited by historical apparitions. Merging the roles of war photographer, traveling portraitist, anthropologist and family historian, Schorr interweaves tales of war, emigration and family. As an ongoing suite of artist's books, Forests and Fields is also a project about bookmaking. In the latest installment, Blumen, Schorr moves away from portraying the figure and instead creates arrangements of objects against the landscapes and domestic or commercial settings of her much-investigated town. When people do appear in Blumen, they are usually props in a larger examination of this dialogue between objects and landscape. Flowers, signage, plums, chairs and plaster fawns are the real protagonists of this volume, further detailing the daily life of the townspeople of Schwabish Gmund. A boxed, numbered and signed special edition of the complete set of the Forest and Fields series will be available when the project has been completed.

Forest and Fields in one of my favorite books and Blumen works superbly well right alongside it. Schorr is dealing with potentially dangerous and difficult territory but here the flora is treated with a loaded and almost malevolent twist. Knowing her first book I wouldn't expect anything less.

Forest and Fields is entirely shot in black and white (except for one picture) and Blumen all in color. Unlike Forest and Fields which was printed on a gloss art stock, Blumen is on a mat paper and unfortunately the crisp, sharp color reproduction that you would expect from Steidl is lacking in some of the pictures. No matter it is still a knock-out book.

The first picture are the covers of the two books together, followed by several of the double page spreads from Blumen.

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